

YOKOTA TOKYO is pleased to present “Tatsuo Kawaguchi – DARK.”
Since his groundbreaking exhibition entitled “DARK” at Muramatsu Gallery, Tokyo, in 1968, Kawaguchi has been engaged with the concept of darkness (yami) for long years. The intangible and unseeable qualities of darkness have critical meanings for the artist who has been exploring the seemingly invisible relationships, phenomena, and ideas through making art works.

YOKOTA TOKYO have continuously examined the fundamental concepts of Kawaguchi’s works—time and relation—through exhibitions such as “The Quality of Time, or Relation-Time” (2018) and “Relation” (2022). This time, we focus on “DARK”, presenting a new body of works that continues his inquiry into the unseen.

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In darkness, it is not that you do not see anything.
Rather, darkness itself becomes visible.
In turn, what disappears is simply that which was once visible in light.

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In conjunction with the exhibition, we will publish the catalogue Fragments on Dark and host an artist talk, “On Dark: Fragments” (February 21, 13:30–15:30).(For details, please see the link.)