Print Work

relation latitude: 35.69052 longitude:139.75470

Tatsuo Kawaguchi

Tatsuo Kawaguchi relation latitude: 35.69052 longitude:139.75470 Tatsuo Kawaguchi relation latitude: 35.69052 longitude:139.75470 Tatsuo Kawaguchi relation latitude: 35.69052 longitude:139.75470

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This work consists of Xerography prints of 178 drawings by Kawaguchi, first displayed on occasion of his solo exhibition at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo.

Product Detail

Technique /Material Xerography / Fine paper 81.4g/㎡
Size 30.2 x 42.6 cm
Edition 2
Date of Issue 2009
Number of Pages 364
Number of Works 178
Binding Ritsuko Ohira

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