
A Talk given by Abraham David Christian

Abraham David Christian came to YOKOTA TOKYO on July 13 (Sat) for the exhibition "ARCHIVE–October 1972 Joseph Beuys・Abraham David Christian."
Christian’s long-kept records are on view and show how the feverish events carried out by Beuys and Christian around the end of “Documenta 5” in October 1972. On the occasion of this exhibition, Christian gave a talk.


Date|July 13 (Sat) 14:30–16:00 (Doors open at 14:00)


Reservation|Required(Please make a reservation through Peatix or send us your name and contact at info@jcritokyo.org.) *There may be standing room if capacity is exceeded.


Co-hosted by YOKOTA TOKYO and the Japan Cultural Research Institute

*Talks will be given in English.

【Contact Information】

The Japan Cultural Research Institute
TEL:03-3433-1389 Email:info@jcritokyo.org

A. David Christian

"ARCHIVE―October 1972 Joseph Beuys・Abraham David Christian"


Period|2024.7.1 – 7.26

YOKOTA TOKYO is pleased to present the exhibition "ARCHIVE–October 1972 Joseph Beuys and Abraham David Christian."
The time When “Documenta 5” was held in 1972, it was socially, artistically, and culturally in turmoil. Christian, then-nineteen-years-old, accompanied fifty-one-year-old Beuys, witnessing the whirlwind of changes of this “1972”.
This exhibition consists of four sections echoing two artists’ works and actions described above, showing ephemera including photographs, leaflets, artists’ statements, and posters.